Tag Archives: work

Ever have one of those days?


Nothing seems to go right.  The last place you want to be is there.  As a matter of fact, you find yourself daydreaming about the beach or what ever may be your “happy place”.   Maybe sometimes, you just don’t feel like doing anything.  You just kind of muddle through the day waiting out the clock.  We’ve all been there.  Have you ever thought about how this affects your walk with Christ or how others see you as a Christian?

I had to learn that lesson.  And I didn’t enjoy it one bit. 

I was voiceing my opinion to a co-worker who is also a Christian.  I wasn’t feeling like my work and ability was being respected and work.  For creative people, that’s a really big problem.  We thrive on feedback and acceptence and can be really temperamental.  So, I was ready to give up.  Just so what I needed to get through the day, collect my paycheck and go home.  She reminded me of this verse though. 

Colossians 3:23 NKJV

“And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men,”

Ouch!  Look God doesn’t care about whether I this work gets done or not.  In comparison to the big picture or really doesn’t matter.  True.  However, it DOES matter in how you’re perceived as a Christian.  Number one, we won’t be thought of as a good employee if we don’t perform at your best ability.  As Christians we’re always representing Christ.  So we should remember we’re not just working for man or for a “living”.  We’rep working for Him.

He has put you in this place for a reason.  Maybe it is flipping burgers or pushing a pencil but you never know when, in that situation you may get the opportunity to witness that you wouldn’t get otherwise.  Think about Joseph after his brothers sold him into slavery.  He could have pouted and gave up, saying God doesn’t love me because I have this crappy job!  He didn’t however.  And eventually he became a leader and was able to help his family.  All because he allowed himself to be a part of the Father’s greater plan and did the absolute best at whatever job he was given.

Colossians 3:23 NKJV

“And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men,”  

Get the waffles…

The other day my princesses and I were on the way to their grandfather’s house.  They were spending the morning with him because my wife was getting ready for a cookware party the next night with “the girls”.  Just like when school was in session, my beauties were moving at their own pace.  “Shoes, hair, teeth… “ I was shouting the normal list of things I think should be automatic.  I guess that’s why I’m the parent and they’re the children.  Although, the five-year-old seems to obey the best… most of the time.

Did I mention I was running late for work?  That always adds another number to the equation.  So I’m encouraging them to “grab the waffles out of the freezer and take them to their grandfather’s house.”  Needless to say, I became distracted with “shoes, hair, and teeth” directives again and forgot about the waffles.

On the way, I asked, “did anyone get the waffles?”  My drama queen (the middle one) uttered her obligatory “oh shoot” in a tone resembling genuine concern.  I go into police detective mode,
“Why didn’t anyone get the waffles?”  Almost in unison they replied, “I don’t know”, which is their standard answer for anything.
“I asked you to get them before we left.”
“I know,” my oldest shyly responded.
I then questioned, “Well, honey, what would make you have waffles right now?  Knowing you have waffles or getting them out of the freezer?”

You know, sometimes we’re like that with our Heavenly Father.  We say we have the faith but we put no action behind it.  James 2:17 says, “faith by itself, if not accompanied by action, is dead” (NIV).  Knowing the waffles were there didn’t help satisfy her hunger.  We may pray, “God help me do this or that”. But what are we willing to put into it?  “Help me lose 50 pounds God”.  Yes, He can but you need to lower your calorie intake according to your activity.  Trust me; I know that one from experience.  I once weighed 350 pounds.  Last time I weighed I was 270.  We must show our faith in an Almighty God by putting forth an effort to accomplish the goal too.  Why should we be lazy and expect God to do it all?  Can He do it all?  Of course.  He’s proved that with creation and the birth, death, and resurrection of His son.  If you’re a parent, let me ask you this question.  When your child asks for something, if they are able to do some of it themselves, you want them to, right?  However, you watch closely and step in once you see they can’t do anymore.  Our Heavenly Father is the same way.

Get the waffles.  (Make sure they’re whole grain though!)

For more read: James 2

We all need a refuge…

Man with hands stretched high.
Find a Refuge

During the day, I feel like that claymation caricature Gumbi… or either “Stretch Arm Strong”.  I’m being pulled in several different directions.  My official title is “Creative Director” – – but that was simply so they’d have something to put in the plaque slot outside my door.  Which, by the way, they haven’t yet.  My morning usually starts prepping before my morning talk show.  By the middle of the day, I’m just getting started on the second part of my job.  Which actually can be divided into several more.

Like you, when I get home, I ready to put the day behind me.  It’s family time.  Which includes finishing homework with three girls, dinner, dishes, baths, and maybe a little television.  Either way, my home is my refuge from the office.  I choose whether or not to answer the phone, a text message, or an e-mail.  I can take my time and do things at my own (wife’s) pace… 🙂

But after a day at the office and a night with the family, I spend a little time with my Father.  Not quite as much as I’d like but I try.

Sometimes life in general can get chaotic.  Just read the news or listen to the radio.  You have to find a refuge.  That refuge should be the Word.  God has so much to tell us if we’ll just listen.  And He uses His divinely inspired Word, the Bible to do it.  Yes, I do believe it was Spiritually inspired when it was written.  That’s what I want to help you do.  There is so much for us in there.  Sometimes we just need someone to help us find it.  Together, we can find refuge, in the Word.