Tag Archives: vacation

What is your perception?


Not sure if I’ve mentioned it before but I suffer from arthritis and tendonitis.   I’m sure I have because I’ve learned so much from this. 

I’ve been on vacation this week.  Seven straight days of no schedule, no deadlines, nothing to worry about.  The girls were out of school, so I got to spend the week with them.  Half way through the week, I tripped and fell bruising my foot.  Which is very frustrating because I had just gotten the other issues other control where I could walk without crutches and almost without a cane.  Then I fall. 

First, I was so furious and even questioned God to my wife.  Then I got to think.  Luckily I was on vacation.  So I had no where I had to be until the weekend.  So I was able to lay in the bed with ice on my foot and it has healed a lot since the fall.  So rather than be frustrated at what happened and not being able to complete the chores I’d assigned myself around the house.  I should be thankful this happened while I was on vacation. 

It is ALL in how you look at it.  What is your perception?  Find refuge in His Word. 

…Under His wings you shall take refuge…

baby birds
Baby Birds

I saw this on a friends Facebook and just had to share.

When I got home from work yesterday the little bird’s nest that was in the wreath on my front door had fallen. There were four tiny birds lying on the cement very cold but still moving. I picked them up and held them in my hand for a few moments to try and warm them up. I put them back in the nest and hung the wreath back on the door. I prayed, “Lord let their mama come back and take care of them because I don’t want to see them die.” About thirty minutes later I went back out and there was the mommy with her babies. I’m so glad our Heavenly Father never forsakes us. Psalms 91 says He shall cover you with His feathers and under His wings you shall take refuge. His truth shall be your shield and buckler. You shall not be afraid of the terror by night nor of the arrow that flies by day.

If He takes care of the birds, doesn’t it seem plausible we can find a refuge in Him too if we only ask?

We all need a refuge…

Man with hands stretched high.
Find a Refuge

During the day, I feel like that claymation caricature Gumbi… or either “Stretch Arm Strong”.  I’m being pulled in several different directions.  My official title is “Creative Director” – – but that was simply so they’d have something to put in the plaque slot outside my door.  Which, by the way, they haven’t yet.  My morning usually starts prepping before my morning talk show.  By the middle of the day, I’m just getting started on the second part of my job.  Which actually can be divided into several more.

Like you, when I get home, I ready to put the day behind me.  It’s family time.  Which includes finishing homework with three girls, dinner, dishes, baths, and maybe a little television.  Either way, my home is my refuge from the office.  I choose whether or not to answer the phone, a text message, or an e-mail.  I can take my time and do things at my own (wife’s) pace… 🙂

But after a day at the office and a night with the family, I spend a little time with my Father.  Not quite as much as I’d like but I try.

Sometimes life in general can get chaotic.  Just read the news or listen to the radio.  You have to find a refuge.  That refuge should be the Word.  God has so much to tell us if we’ll just listen.  And He uses His divinely inspired Word, the Bible to do it.  Yes, I do believe it was Spiritually inspired when it was written.  That’s what I want to help you do.  There is so much for us in there.  Sometimes we just need someone to help us find it.  Together, we can find refuge, in the Word.