Tag Archives: technology

Do you MAKE time?


Over the weekend, my youngest daughter, who is less than 10, asks of she can use the computer in the kitchen.  Sonce this computer is new, we were hoping to keep their games and such off and mainly use it for home and business work.  Well, if you can call what we do “work”.  Any way, when I asked why she wanted to use the kitchen computer rather than the one in the bed room she said, “this one is just too slow… I don’t have time to wait”.  You’re kidding me, right?  You don’t have  time to wait?  Where do you have to be?

Does your world ever seem lime it is moving so fast, you just don’t have time for God?  I know mine does.  And when I don’t make time for God, I’m not as focused, not as content, not as satisfied. 

During during my vacation last week, I found time to spend with the Father.  And once I allowed Him to get closer to me, the worse I felt for falling away from Him.  Because, remember… all He ever wanted from the beginning of time is a relationship with his creation. 

So I encourage you, as you head back to work today… make time today and EVERY day to find a refuge in the Word.