Tag Archives: sister

I’ve Been Had…

Matthew 7:15 NKJV

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.”


The other week I was shocked at an associate’s comments.  Not because of what he said but that HE said it. 

When I was explaining why I hadn’t been to worship lately he stated, “you know the enemy is sitting back with a big fat cigar saying ‘that is all it took'”?  What a prolific statement from someone who professes to not believe in the need for forgiveness and salvation.  At the time I was ashamed that I had allowed that to happen.  I had stopped attending worship because of issues with family and former friends. 

Then as the associate countied to encourage me to attend I kept going; not letting anything stop me.  However, the longer the associate continued to encourage me the more I stopped attending.  Now it has been a month or so since I’ve been. 

I woke up this morning very… no extremely frustrated that I again allowed myself to miss worship.  I asked myself why and the answer overwhelming came over me.  Again I was ashamed.   

In the past, this associate and I have not had the best working relationship.  At one time I was working under him.  Now we are equal.  But at times I still allows him to get to me.  Thus when he was encouraging me, without knowing, I was fighting his encouragement as a result our previously strained professional relarionship.

First of all, the only one to blame here is me.  NOT the other party.  You may be shocked by this but I’m not even blaming the enemy.  It was ALL ME! 

The messege was clear in the beginning.  “Do not let anyone come between us and our relationship with God”.  This however was another lesson.  “In order for a true relationship with God you MUST let go of ALL anger and animosity with your brother”. 

Father, please help us to remember;   Proverbs 16:32 NKJV, “He  who  is slow to anger is better than the mighty, And he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city.”

Find refuge in the Word…