Tag Archives: mercy

Faith… it really works!

Image  Faith.  Defined as “confidence” in someone or something.  You know, it really works.  Sometimes though, having faith is hard.  Especially faith in God.  Why is that?  Maybe because we are creatures that speak, smell, touch, and see.  Since we can’t do any of these with God right now, having enough faith is one of our major challenges.  I know it is mine.  However, with my newest chapter, I decided I would go on and show my faith by my works.

     After a conversation with my pastor about a “call” to ministry that I just can’t get away from, I decided to follow the footsteps of Mark Lowery and others as a “Christian Comedian”.  My pastor’s comment to me during our discussion was you have to LOVE ministry to get into it.  But that’s another blog entry.

     So, to show my faith, I ordered business cards.  Now, my common sense told me, “you’ll need the money you’re spending on these business cards for gas later in the week”.  However, rather than listen to my common sense, I went strictly on faith.  I will order these business cards and God will take care of the rest.  Sunday, I’m pulling into the church parking lot with a 1/4 tank of gas to last me until the FOLLOWING Wednesday.  Before leaving, family we hadn’t seen since Christmas gave us money for “dinner” that afternoon.  It was the EXACT amount I’d spent on the business cards earlier.

     Later, I booked a last minute gig to promote my new comedy venture.  In talking with a co-worker, I expressed the desire to have my website up before the weekend, so I could promote it and they have a point of contact.  Friday, before the Saturday appearance, a minister friend of mine approached me saying, “God laid it on my heart to give this to you”.  It was a check for more than enough to cover the website!

      Faith is great.  But we have to show our faith by our works.

      Remember though… just because it is a GOOD idea… doesn’t mean it is a GOD idea.  Listen for that still, small, voice and be ready to accept the challenges God puts before you.  Find refuge, strength, and courage… in the Word.

What was he thinking.


     Having been an expectant father 3 times,  I can only imagine what Joseph was think as he was headimg into Bethlehem.   It had been a challenging couple of months.  The girl you were dating ends up with child.  Then someone you’ve never met before comes to you and tells you the baby is of Divine conception.  What!?  Really?  That’s just insane!  Who will belive that! 
     Then she goes into labor and you can’t get room.  Geez,  what’s going to happen next?  Strangers show up telking you how great your new Son is and bring Him gifts.  Think about this by today’s standards.  They wouldn’t even get passed the nurses’ desk. 

      As your Son grows people just want to be around Him.  He amazes people.  All while working by your side as a carpenter. 

     Later, those same hands that hammered next to you would be pierced by nails.  Love would poor out of His hands, His feet, and His side.  Your wife, His mother would be there to witness this. 

     A study over 2000 years later would say your Son is the most significant man in history!  His whole reason for existing was to die and being refuge for a hurting and lost world.

     As we opening gifts with family and friends today and tomorrow, we shouldn’t loose site of the reason we, as Christians celebrate.  True Decemver 25th may not have been the actual birthdate.  Yes, a lot of the traditions we follow are part of a paganistic holiday.  However, that is why it is so important what is in our hearts.  Celebrating the GIFT of salvation.  And the refuge given to us by Jesus the Christ.

Have a happy and blessed CHRISTmas.