Tag Archives: marriage

Turn on the Light!

One of wife’s biggest complaints is – “it’s too dark in here, I can’t stand it!” If I had a dime for everytime she’s said that I could retire early. Many times I’ve witnessed her enter a room, jerking open curtains and switching on lights.

This caused a little discussion between us in the beginning. Because I came from the school of, “why do you have all these lights on… looks like Christmas!” So my thought was to turn lights off if you didn’t need them.

But as time went on I started to like the light. With the light you can see your surroundings better. It also illuminates the mess. We noticed that recently when we bought some of those LED bulbs. Man, they are bright. The light is even stronger.

Our relationship with Jesus is the same. Before meeting Him we spend a lot of time in the darkness of sin. But after we meet Him and are introduced to the Light, we start to like it. We even get to the point we can’t be without it. We constantly want to be in the presence of Light. And it even helps us clean up our mess. Because we can see it better now.

After becoming Chrstians we are told to share our light with the world.

Today, if you are a Chrstian, I encourage you to share your Light with someone. Let them see and experience Jesus’ love through you. The world can really use it now.

If not, I encourage you to find that Light today. I promise you’ll love it.

Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.
John 8:12 NKJV

“You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:14‭-‬16 NKJV

Turn on the light!

The trouble with the truth…

     That’s the tile to an old country song.
   “Oh the trouble with the truth
Is it’s always the same ol’ thing
So hard to forget
So impossible for me to change
Everytime I try to fight it
I know I’ll be left to blame
Oh the trouble with the truth
Is it’s always the same ol’ thing”.

So what is troubling you?  Bills?  A neighbor?  A family member?  Work?  Someone you worship with?  Whatever it is, did you know we’re supposed to enjoy the trouble?  Yeah.  Enjoy the trouble.

Look at James 1:2-3.

     “Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider or a great joy.  For you know when your faith is tested your endurance has a chance to grow”. 

     So I’m supposed to be happy my marriage is falling apart?  I’m supposed to be happy I lost my job of 20 years?  I’m supposed to be happy my child is in jail?

     Well, lets look at it this way.  When do we normally call on God?  Be honest with the answer.  When we feel we need Him most.  What does our Father want from us?  Complete trust.  When do we tend to trust Him the most?  When we have no other choice but to trust Him! 

      Something I’ve learned though, completely trusting Him is extremely difficult.  Because it is in our nature to want to control everything.

     I’m currently in that situation.  My wife brought that to my attention tonight.  What would we (guys) do without a wonderful wife?  I have medical conditions and she wants me to see a doctor.  Now first of all, yes men are afraid of doctors!  My excuse is, “we don’t have the money and my insurance co-pay is too high”.  She said, “maybe you need to pray about it”.  I responded, “I have and He hasn’t some anything”.

“Maybe He’s waiting on you to make the first move.  Maybe you need to step out on faith and THEN He’ll provide a way”, she stated.

     My, oh my.  How many times have I heard that?  How many times have I seen that happen?  How many times do I need to hear that before I believe?  Not just believe and shout “amen” in agreement.  But believe it and put action behind my belief? 

During our discussion I quoted James, “faith without works is dead”.  My argument was I had to continue working to pay the bills and He’ll provide the needs as long as I continued working.  But that is wrong.  Maybe rather than physically working, thus controling the situation, I need to work my faith and submit to His control.  Let the One who spoke the universe into existence speak to my troubles.

Then I would be able to enjoy my trouble knowing that is truely in the hands of the Master.