Tag Archives: life

Just Give It Away

“16.) By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. 17.) But whoever has this world’s goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him?”
I John 3:16‭-‬17 NKJV

    How many times have we seen someone standing on the corner at the grocery or convenience store?  Maybe their clothes were torn or dirty.  And it seemed like they hadn’t bathed in a couple of days.

    Initially, we think, “I should give him some money”.  Then, almost immediately, we follow that thought with, “but they’ll probably spend it on booze or drugs”.

    When Jesus gave us the gift of life through His death, He never said, “but they’ll probably spend it on something they shouldn’t”.  He simply gave it.  

I John 3:16.) By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.

    No strings attached.  We know what we should do with the gift of life because it is explained in the Word.

    I have had the similar thought, “(the stranger) will probably spend it on booze or drugs”.  Recently, I’ve had a change of heart.  I guess I should say, God changed my heart.  That isn’t our concern.

    I John 3:17.) But whoever has this world’s goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him?

    If we feel moved to give, congratulations, you’re hearing that “still, small, voice,” the Bible talks about.  Now… simply give.  Let God handle the rest.  

    I mean, He’s the one that put it in our hearts to give in the first place.  Shouldn’t we believe He will use for His glory?

    Let’s SHOW our brothers (and sisters) refuge THROUGH the Word.

That’s a Whole Lotta Noise…


I was playing pool on my phone this morning and it got me to thinking.  About all the afternoons my brother, Danny (my best friend) and I would spend at Schoolfield Rec Center shooting pool.  It was free, so needless to say, we spent a lot of time there.

There was always a lot of trash talk.  Who was better and who would walk away with the most wins.  I know it is hard to believe but I was the worst.  So I’d talk a little trash and hit the cue ball as hard as I could when I was breaking.  Needless to say, it would make a LOT of noise.  Some (most) of the time not one ball would fall into a pocket. 

My brother’s response was always, “all that noise and for nothing”.

We can be the exact same way in life.  We may walk around talking about how “Christian” (we think) we are… or try to sing the loudest during worship… or even wear Christian themed t-shirts and such.  But are people seeing a reflection of Christ in us?  Are we showing love to our neighbors? 

Galatians 5:14-15 NKJV – “For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” But if you bite and devour one another, beware lest you be consumed by one another!”

I Corinthians 13:1 NKJV – “Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal”.

Let’s not be clanging cymbals.  Let’s love on each other.  Yep, including non-belivers.

(It didn’t say just love your Christian neighbor).

Do you wonder….


     Do you ever wonder if you should be doing something more with your life?  I mean, raising my 3 girls and providing for my family is important.  But I mean really making an impact on people’s lives.

     I often ponder this when get time to escape the constant forward movement of my career and get to spend some time alone.  When I started this blog years ago, I envisioned speaking engagements and watching people experience the true meaning of God’s love.  However, none of that has transpired.  Every time I get close or see what appears to be an open door, it slams shut.  Then I question, “is this God’s way of telling me not to do this or is it me allowing the enemy to take advantage of my fears and weaknesses? 

     I have a huge audience weekly that I get to share my life with.  Two of my shows are the highest rated on each radio station.  But am I really making a difference in their lives?  Can they see Jesus in me?  Am I preaching not only through my words but through my actions?  I don’t know.  I certainly hope so.

Do you ever wonder?

The trouble with the truth…

     That’s the tile to an old country song.
   “Oh the trouble with the truth
Is it’s always the same ol’ thing
So hard to forget
So impossible for me to change
Everytime I try to fight it
I know I’ll be left to blame
Oh the trouble with the truth
Is it’s always the same ol’ thing”.

So what is troubling you?  Bills?  A neighbor?  A family member?  Work?  Someone you worship with?  Whatever it is, did you know we’re supposed to enjoy the trouble?  Yeah.  Enjoy the trouble.

Look at James 1:2-3.

     “Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider or a great joy.  For you know when your faith is tested your endurance has a chance to grow”. 

     So I’m supposed to be happy my marriage is falling apart?  I’m supposed to be happy I lost my job of 20 years?  I’m supposed to be happy my child is in jail?

     Well, lets look at it this way.  When do we normally call on God?  Be honest with the answer.  When we feel we need Him most.  What does our Father want from us?  Complete trust.  When do we tend to trust Him the most?  When we have no other choice but to trust Him! 

      Something I’ve learned though, completely trusting Him is extremely difficult.  Because it is in our nature to want to control everything.

     I’m currently in that situation.  My wife brought that to my attention tonight.  What would we (guys) do without a wonderful wife?  I have medical conditions and she wants me to see a doctor.  Now first of all, yes men are afraid of doctors!  My excuse is, “we don’t have the money and my insurance co-pay is too high”.  She said, “maybe you need to pray about it”.  I responded, “I have and He hasn’t some anything”.

“Maybe He’s waiting on you to make the first move.  Maybe you need to step out on faith and THEN He’ll provide a way”, she stated.

     My, oh my.  How many times have I heard that?  How many times have I seen that happen?  How many times do I need to hear that before I believe?  Not just believe and shout “amen” in agreement.  But believe it and put action behind my belief? 

During our discussion I quoted James, “faith without works is dead”.  My argument was I had to continue working to pay the bills and He’ll provide the needs as long as I continued working.  But that is wrong.  Maybe rather than physically working, thus controling the situation, I need to work my faith and submit to His control.  Let the One who spoke the universe into existence speak to my troubles.

Then I would be able to enjoy my trouble knowing that is truely in the hands of the Master. 

How would you spend it?


A week ago, I was lying in bed watching television when I got the call. Was it real? This is insane. A former co-worker was dead, at 24. As the week progressed and his friends, family, and friends expressed their sorrow, I found myself searching for an answer. Needless to say, I couldn’t find one. And the fact he was gone didn’t become frightenly real until I saw him at the family visitation. He was buried on Friday.

One of the things that resonanted from everyone was how our friend lived his life to the fullest. Yeah, you’ve heard that about other people but it was very true for him. His facebook albums are full of photos showcasing celebrities he met and trips he took. At his age he’d been more places than some have been who have lived much longer. He was living his dream.

However, I can’t help but wonder how he spent his last day? Had he known it would be his last, what would he have done different? Would he have gone to work or spent the whole day at home with his family? Who would he have called? Who would he have visited? If he knew THAT 24 would be his last, how would he have spent them?

What of these were your last 24?

Another sentiment that was echoed from friends and family was his relationship with God, our Creator.

Our friend didn’t realize he would never make 30. However, he lived like there was no tomorrow. He loved like there was no tomorrow.

Live and love like there is no tomorrow. Live with no fear. Find refuge in a relationship with our Father, God, our Savior and Creator. So that if these are last your last 24…