Tag Archives: kingdom of god

The Greater Purpose…

Sunset-1               As a member of the media, I was forced to spend most of the day surrounded by what was going on.  So when I got home, I commented to my wife to turn off the television, “I don’t want to see this”.  She had a very poignant response.  “They can’t just change the channel to escape”.  Well said, my dear.

While the details filtered in, we tried to make sense of it all.  Do not waste your time.  We, in our limited, narrow, understanding of the universe, will not be able to come to an acceptable conclusion.

However, I think one FOX News reporter at least brought it into perspective.  Last night he said, “when you’re 5… 6 years old… 10, 11 days away from Christmas… you’re expecting Santa to be at your house in 10 or 11 days.  TODAY… the DEVIL came to their school”.

The only solace and peace I can find is in what Jesus told His disciples when they were trying to prevent the children from coming to Jesus.  Christ said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God”.  The fact that these little angels were flown straight to heaven makes it a little easier.

However, it will not make things better for these parents.  As a father of three, I know.

When told his sister was one of the fallen, a young boy said, “I’m not going to have anyone to play with”.  This is the mindset we are dealing with here, innocent, unsuspecting, children.

Now with what I am about to say, please do not take it as a lack of compassion.  My heart grieves for what these parents are experiencing.

Nevertheless, if you’re a Christian, somewhere in the back of your mind, you’re probably asking, “why God, did you allow this to happen”?  We know He is an almighty and powerful God.  In Exodus 34:6 describes Him as “merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth”.

It is as simple as this.  You want a gourmet eight-course meal.  However, this is impossible, unless you let the chef in the kitchen.

So why should we expect God’s protection in a place He is NOT allowed?  Now, I am not saying the parents are not God fearing.  They may be.  However, what will bring these people closer to God?  When do we call on Him the most?  When do we look to Him for answers?

When Jesus was born, the reigning king ordered all the first-born males killed for fear that a new King was coming.  Why did God allow this to happen?  Why did He allow evil to prevail.  Just like the parents today, those mothers and fathers had no idea what was coming.

There is a greater purpose beyond all understanding.  The only peace we can find is in Jesus.  The only refuge we can find is in His Word.  Just like on September 11, 2001, more people probably picked up their Bibles today.  More people probably prayed.  A nation is crying, mourning the loss of innocent lives.

Father, I pray Your mercy, grace, and peace for these families.  They are suffering a pain; no parent should endure.  In order for this to happen, I know they must find You first.  Heal our hearts Father, and bring us to a better understanding of Your will.  We need You Father, more than we ever realize sometimes.  It’s in times like this we see this clearly.  Please send Your Spirit of comfort to these families, the community, and our country.  Please be our refuge; our safe haven, our place of safety, a place to hind when the enemy is lurking near.  We humbly ask these things in the matchless name of Your Son Jesus.