Tag Archives: influence.

How are you influenced?


Every night my family sit around the table and have dinner.  No tablets, no mp3 players, no phones.  Just us, as a family, having dinner.  I know it is rare today to do this, but I feel it is very important. 

As part of our dinner, we share the “best” and “worst” part of our day.  However, after our blessing, my youngest spoke up and informed us she said a blessing before lunch at school and some of the other children laughed.  I assured her she was okay and that sometimes people laugh when they don’t understand.

Tonight, she informed us that three of her “friends” joined her in blessing their lunches.  Needless to say, I am more than pleased and proud of her courage.

Today, it is so easy to be influenced by others.  Wanting to be accepted and loved by others is a natural desire we all share.  As Christians though,  there may come a time when we have to go against what is popular and do what we know is right.  We may be laughed at and ridiculed but remember we were told this would happen. 

I believe my daughter was rewarded for her faith and commitment by the Spirit moving the other children to join her.  Now our reward may not be as visible… as a matter of fact, we may never see it here on earth.  We are promised a reward though if we remain faithful to Him.

Find the refuge and influence you need in the Word.