Tag Archives: hope

Faith… it really works!

Image  Faith.  Defined as “confidence” in someone or something.  You know, it really works.  Sometimes though, having faith is hard.  Especially faith in God.  Why is that?  Maybe because we are creatures that speak, smell, touch, and see.  Since we can’t do any of these with God right now, having enough faith is one of our major challenges.  I know it is mine.  However, with my newest chapter, I decided I would go on and show my faith by my works.

     After a conversation with my pastor about a “call” to ministry that I just can’t get away from, I decided to follow the footsteps of Mark Lowery and others as a “Christian Comedian”.  My pastor’s comment to me during our discussion was you have to LOVE ministry to get into it.  But that’s another blog entry.

     So, to show my faith, I ordered business cards.  Now, my common sense told me, “you’ll need the money you’re spending on these business cards for gas later in the week”.  However, rather than listen to my common sense, I went strictly on faith.  I will order these business cards and God will take care of the rest.  Sunday, I’m pulling into the church parking lot with a 1/4 tank of gas to last me until the FOLLOWING Wednesday.  Before leaving, family we hadn’t seen since Christmas gave us money for “dinner” that afternoon.  It was the EXACT amount I’d spent on the business cards earlier.

     Later, I booked a last minute gig to promote my new comedy venture.  In talking with a co-worker, I expressed the desire to have my website up before the weekend, so I could promote it and they have a point of contact.  Friday, before the Saturday appearance, a minister friend of mine approached me saying, “God laid it on my heart to give this to you”.  It was a check for more than enough to cover the website!

      Faith is great.  But we have to show our faith by our works.

      Remember though… just because it is a GOOD idea… doesn’t mean it is a GOD idea.  Listen for that still, small, voice and be ready to accept the challenges God puts before you.  Find refuge, strength, and courage… in the Word.

It is not WHAT but HOW.


     How many times have you prayed for something and felt like God was not listening?  We have all been there.  Praying fervently for what we need only to feel like our requests are hitting the floors of heaven.  Then the enemy steps in.  This will be easy for him too, because you are already vulnerable and doubting.

     “Maybe God is too busy”, he whispers in your ear.  “Maybe God doesn’t feel your prayer isn’t important”.  Or, “maybe YOU aren’t important to God”.

     Maybe it is HOW we pray. 

     Recently we came back from vacation.  Before vacation I was walking the best I had in a long time.  No crutches, no cane.  For over a year I dealt with arthritis and tendonitis.  After vacation I was back on the crutches.  This has gone on for almost two weeks.  I was begging foe God to please heal me.  Perform magic.  Pleading and crying for Him to take away the pain.  Finally, I broke down and asked politely for Him to help me deal with the challenge. 

     Today I was speaking with a colleague.  Now when we get on the phone, it is nothing foe the two of us to talk about seemingly nothing for an hour.  Just two “radio guys” that love to talk.  However, I learned something new about my colleague.  He was describing a medical condition and his symptoms were eerily similar to mine.  Almost exact.  Along with the emotional challenges as well.  I also have this condition, although I haven’t addressed the issue in a while. 

     Over our vacation, I over indulged, thus triggering this condition.  The conversation with my colleague encouraged me there is hope and to take action for remedy. 

Another example.  We were also low on groceries and my payday is still a few days away.  This afternoon a gentleman showed up from Omega Foods.  He said “post date me a check and I’ll leave the food.”  Dinner was served.

     During dinner my wife admitted she’d prayed for money to buy groceries.  Later she said she simply prayed for God to please “make a way”.  To which He did.

     Once our prayers were changed from “here’s my problem and here is how I want You to fix it,” to “here’s my problem, please help me fix it” we saw them answered. 

     Find refuge in prayer.  Find refuge in knowing that God will help us if we totally give it to Him.  Maybe not how we THINK He should, but how He knows best.

Thank You Father for Your blessings.  Your refuge. 

The hand that calms the sea…


      As I sit on my patio for the next few days and listen to the waves hit the shore, I’m reminded just how small we are and how BIG God is.  Just to hear the might in the water and view it’s greatness and then realize that God is even more!  The miracles of God parting the Red Sea for the Israelites to pass and calming the storm when Jesus and His disciples were traveling are even more real.

The old hymn, “How Great Thou Art” comes to mind.  It is comforting to know just HOW powerful our refuge is!

Horse Show Benefit

Cross Roads Horse Show
CRRS Benefit Horse Show

To celebrate one of God’s most beautiful and majestic creatures and to gain some much need funds for their totally non-profit ministry.  Cross Roads Reconciliation Services is having a benefit horse show, Saturday, September 29th.  If you can, we’d love for you to take part.  These folks word hard daily – – a lot of them volunteers – – to help others find a refuge.  And these are certified counselers and psycologist.  Not just someone playing “doctor”.  You can find out more here…