Tag Archives: health

How would you spend it?


A week ago, I was lying in bed watching television when I got the call. Was it real? This is insane. A former co-worker was dead, at 24. As the week progressed and his friends, family, and friends expressed their sorrow, I found myself searching for an answer. Needless to say, I couldn’t find one. And the fact he was gone didn’t become frightenly real until I saw him at the family visitation. He was buried on Friday.

One of the things that resonanted from everyone was how our friend lived his life to the fullest. Yeah, you’ve heard that about other people but it was very true for him. His facebook albums are full of photos showcasing celebrities he met and trips he took. At his age he’d been more places than some have been who have lived much longer. He was living his dream.

However, I can’t help but wonder how he spent his last day? Had he known it would be his last, what would he have done different? Would he have gone to work or spent the whole day at home with his family? Who would he have called? Who would he have visited? If he knew THAT 24 would be his last, how would he have spent them?

What of these were your last 24?

Another sentiment that was echoed from friends and family was his relationship with God, our Creator.

Our friend didn’t realize he would never make 30. However, he lived like there was no tomorrow. He loved like there was no tomorrow.

Live and love like there is no tomorrow. Live with no fear. Find refuge in a relationship with our Father, God, our Savior and Creator. So that if these are last your last 24…

Get the waffles…

The other day my princesses and I were on the way to their grandfather’s house.  They were spending the morning with him because my wife was getting ready for a cookware party the next night with “the girls”.  Just like when school was in session, my beauties were moving at their own pace.  “Shoes, hair, teeth… “ I was shouting the normal list of things I think should be automatic.  I guess that’s why I’m the parent and they’re the children.  Although, the five-year-old seems to obey the best… most of the time.

Did I mention I was running late for work?  That always adds another number to the equation.  So I’m encouraging them to “grab the waffles out of the freezer and take them to their grandfather’s house.”  Needless to say, I became distracted with “shoes, hair, and teeth” directives again and forgot about the waffles.

On the way, I asked, “did anyone get the waffles?”  My drama queen (the middle one) uttered her obligatory “oh shoot” in a tone resembling genuine concern.  I go into police detective mode,
“Why didn’t anyone get the waffles?”  Almost in unison they replied, “I don’t know”, which is their standard answer for anything.
“I asked you to get them before we left.”
“I know,” my oldest shyly responded.
I then questioned, “Well, honey, what would make you have waffles right now?  Knowing you have waffles or getting them out of the freezer?”

You know, sometimes we’re like that with our Heavenly Father.  We say we have the faith but we put no action behind it.  James 2:17 says, “faith by itself, if not accompanied by action, is dead” (NIV).  Knowing the waffles were there didn’t help satisfy her hunger.  We may pray, “God help me do this or that”. But what are we willing to put into it?  “Help me lose 50 pounds God”.  Yes, He can but you need to lower your calorie intake according to your activity.  Trust me; I know that one from experience.  I once weighed 350 pounds.  Last time I weighed I was 270.  We must show our faith in an Almighty God by putting forth an effort to accomplish the goal too.  Why should we be lazy and expect God to do it all?  Can He do it all?  Of course.  He’s proved that with creation and the birth, death, and resurrection of His son.  If you’re a parent, let me ask you this question.  When your child asks for something, if they are able to do some of it themselves, you want them to, right?  However, you watch closely and step in once you see they can’t do anymore.  Our Heavenly Father is the same way.

Get the waffles.  (Make sure they’re whole grain though!)

For more read: James 2