Category Archives: Trust

I’ve Been Had…

Matthew 7:15 NKJV

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.”


The other week I was shocked at an associate’s comments.  Not because of what he said but that HE said it. 

When I was explaining why I hadn’t been to worship lately he stated, “you know the enemy is sitting back with a big fat cigar saying ‘that is all it took'”?  What a prolific statement from someone who professes to not believe in the need for forgiveness and salvation.  At the time I was ashamed that I had allowed that to happen.  I had stopped attending worship because of issues with family and former friends. 

Then as the associate countied to encourage me to attend I kept going; not letting anything stop me.  However, the longer the associate continued to encourage me the more I stopped attending.  Now it has been a month or so since I’ve been. 

I woke up this morning very… no extremely frustrated that I again allowed myself to miss worship.  I asked myself why and the answer overwhelming came over me.  Again I was ashamed.   

In the past, this associate and I have not had the best working relationship.  At one time I was working under him.  Now we are equal.  But at times I still allows him to get to me.  Thus when he was encouraging me, without knowing, I was fighting his encouragement as a result our previously strained professional relarionship.

First of all, the only one to blame here is me.  NOT the other party.  You may be shocked by this but I’m not even blaming the enemy.  It was ALL ME! 

The messege was clear in the beginning.  “Do not let anyone come between us and our relationship with God”.  This however was another lesson.  “In order for a true relationship with God you MUST let go of ALL anger and animosity with your brother”. 

Father, please help us to remember;   Proverbs 16:32 NKJV, “He  who  is slow to anger is better than the mighty, And he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city.”

Find refuge in the Word…

Faith… it really works!

Image  Faith.  Defined as “confidence” in someone or something.  You know, it really works.  Sometimes though, having faith is hard.  Especially faith in God.  Why is that?  Maybe because we are creatures that speak, smell, touch, and see.  Since we can’t do any of these with God right now, having enough faith is one of our major challenges.  I know it is mine.  However, with my newest chapter, I decided I would go on and show my faith by my works.

     After a conversation with my pastor about a “call” to ministry that I just can’t get away from, I decided to follow the footsteps of Mark Lowery and others as a “Christian Comedian”.  My pastor’s comment to me during our discussion was you have to LOVE ministry to get into it.  But that’s another blog entry.

     So, to show my faith, I ordered business cards.  Now, my common sense told me, “you’ll need the money you’re spending on these business cards for gas later in the week”.  However, rather than listen to my common sense, I went strictly on faith.  I will order these business cards and God will take care of the rest.  Sunday, I’m pulling into the church parking lot with a 1/4 tank of gas to last me until the FOLLOWING Wednesday.  Before leaving, family we hadn’t seen since Christmas gave us money for “dinner” that afternoon.  It was the EXACT amount I’d spent on the business cards earlier.

     Later, I booked a last minute gig to promote my new comedy venture.  In talking with a co-worker, I expressed the desire to have my website up before the weekend, so I could promote it and they have a point of contact.  Friday, before the Saturday appearance, a minister friend of mine approached me saying, “God laid it on my heart to give this to you”.  It was a check for more than enough to cover the website!

      Faith is great.  But we have to show our faith by our works.

      Remember though… just because it is a GOOD idea… doesn’t mean it is a GOD idea.  Listen for that still, small, voice and be ready to accept the challenges God puts before you.  Find refuge, strength, and courage… in the Word.

Do you MAKE time?


Over the weekend, my youngest daughter, who is less than 10, asks of she can use the computer in the kitchen.  Sonce this computer is new, we were hoping to keep their games and such off and mainly use it for home and business work.  Well, if you can call what we do “work”.  Any way, when I asked why she wanted to use the kitchen computer rather than the one in the bed room she said, “this one is just too slow… I don’t have time to wait”.  You’re kidding me, right?  You don’t have  time to wait?  Where do you have to be?

Does your world ever seem lime it is moving so fast, you just don’t have time for God?  I know mine does.  And when I don’t make time for God, I’m not as focused, not as content, not as satisfied. 

During during my vacation last week, I found time to spend with the Father.  And once I allowed Him to get closer to me, the worse I felt for falling away from Him.  Because, remember… all He ever wanted from the beginning of time is a relationship with his creation. 

So I encourage you, as you head back to work today… make time today and EVERY day to find a refuge in the Word.

Where will you finish?


“When God gives you an opportunity and puts you in the right place at the right time, you have to make the most of it”.

Sounds like a prolific statement from a well educated minister.  But it wasn’t.  It was Kyle Busch, driver of “the #18 M & M’s Toyota Camry” in the Sprint Cup NASCAR series.  That’s the way they identify their cars in the interviews any way.  Kyle was talking about winning the race last weekend, March 23. 

In case you’re not a NASCAR fan, it is an endurance race.  Usually about 400 to 500 laps around a 1/2 mile to a 2 mile tack.  Tackling banking turns at 100 to 200 miles per hour developing a strategy on tries and fuel that will help you finish better than 42 other drivers.  Each driver has a team who’s responsable for servicing the car at random intervals.

In life, we don’t know how many “laps”until the “finish”.  However, we DO know we want the absolute best finish possible.  Along the way, we have people to help and even someone to give us advice along the way.  We also need to look for the opportunities God gives us, be close enough to Him to see them, and take advantage of them.

Find the refuge for the “race” in the Word and you’ll have your best finish.

What is your perception?


Not sure if I’ve mentioned it before but I suffer from arthritis and tendonitis.   I’m sure I have because I’ve learned so much from this. 

I’ve been on vacation this week.  Seven straight days of no schedule, no deadlines, nothing to worry about.  The girls were out of school, so I got to spend the week with them.  Half way through the week, I tripped and fell bruising my foot.  Which is very frustrating because I had just gotten the other issues other control where I could walk without crutches and almost without a cane.  Then I fall. 

First, I was so furious and even questioned God to my wife.  Then I got to think.  Luckily I was on vacation.  So I had no where I had to be until the weekend.  So I was able to lay in the bed with ice on my foot and it has healed a lot since the fall.  So rather than be frustrated at what happened and not being able to complete the chores I’d assigned myself around the house.  I should be thankful this happened while I was on vacation. 

It is ALL in how you look at it.  What is your perception?  Find refuge in His Word. 

Who is the true, you?


Today a colleague and I were talking on Facebook.   I commented on a status then sent a private message,  because I didnt want everyone to see.  However, we continued a “public” conversation of sorts in the comments section of his status.

To start with I thought it was rather funny.   I mean how unfocused and random can you be.  Then I thought, “why did I start the private conversation?”  Well honestly, we had something to hide.  Not in a bad way this time but it was something we didn’t want public.

A lot of times we’re like that in “real” life.  We put on a front for everyone to see when there is private us we’d never want any one to find out about.  Especially our friends at church.  But remember 2 Corinthians 3:18?  “And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit”.  We’re going to reflect what is truly inside.

Who is the true, you?

Do you wonder….


     Do you ever wonder if you should be doing something more with your life?  I mean, raising my 3 girls and providing for my family is important.  But I mean really making an impact on people’s lives.

     I often ponder this when get time to escape the constant forward movement of my career and get to spend some time alone.  When I started this blog years ago, I envisioned speaking engagements and watching people experience the true meaning of God’s love.  However, none of that has transpired.  Every time I get close or see what appears to be an open door, it slams shut.  Then I question, “is this God’s way of telling me not to do this or is it me allowing the enemy to take advantage of my fears and weaknesses? 

     I have a huge audience weekly that I get to share my life with.  Two of my shows are the highest rated on each radio station.  But am I really making a difference in their lives?  Can they see Jesus in me?  Am I preaching not only through my words but through my actions?  I don’t know.  I certainly hope so.

Do you ever wonder?

How are you influenced?


Every night my family sit around the table and have dinner.  No tablets, no mp3 players, no phones.  Just us, as a family, having dinner.  I know it is rare today to do this, but I feel it is very important. 

As part of our dinner, we share the “best” and “worst” part of our day.  However, after our blessing, my youngest spoke up and informed us she said a blessing before lunch at school and some of the other children laughed.  I assured her she was okay and that sometimes people laugh when they don’t understand.

Tonight, she informed us that three of her “friends” joined her in blessing their lunches.  Needless to say, I am more than pleased and proud of her courage.

Today, it is so easy to be influenced by others.  Wanting to be accepted and loved by others is a natural desire we all share.  As Christians though,  there may come a time when we have to go against what is popular and do what we know is right.  We may be laughed at and ridiculed but remember we were told this would happen. 

I believe my daughter was rewarded for her faith and commitment by the Spirit moving the other children to join her.  Now our reward may not be as visible… as a matter of fact, we may never see it here on earth.  We are promised a reward though if we remain faithful to Him.

Find the refuge and influence you need in the Word.

Where is your heart?

Holy Hands

Isaiah 29:13. (NKJV) Therefore, the Lord said: “Inasmuch as these people draw near with their mouths and honor Me with their lips, but have removed their hearts far from Me, and their fear toward Me is taught by the commandment of men,”

It seems to be a fad today, lifting “holy hands”. I mean there are even words for it. “Hands of praise”. Google that and see how many images come up. Often times we find ourselves going through the “rituals” of religion. Including going to a place of worship, singing the praise songs, lifting our hands, praying aloud, and listening to the sermon. But where is our heart?

The first time I attended our place of worship, I was a little skeptical. “These people are crazy,” I thought to myself. I was used to the outbursts of emotion but the whole lifting hands during the songs was a little discerning. Later, I began to understand it was a total submission to God and asking for His presence in the service. Okay, I can hang with that. I still found it a little hard to do though, even a little embarrassing. “What would people say,” I thought. “Would they look at me funny?” Because, Lord knows, I was looking at them a little funny to begin with.

After attending a while, I noticed something a little different about some. They didn’t really seem “into it”. You know what I mean? You can tell when someone is really into something by the expression on his or her face. As a musician (I play the drums) I remember my band mates teasing me about closing my eyes while playing. My response would be, “dude, I’m getting into it”. My entire focus was on what the piece of music I was playing. Same thing with my radio production work. A co-worker would tease me because I would listen back to the finished project with my eyes closed, again, totally focused on the task.

Maybe you feel like you’ve been going through the motions but haven’t heard from God lately. If so, that may just be the issue. You’re just going through the motions. So often we find it easy to get into a rut as such. Just simply going through the motions because that’s what we’ve always done. So why change? Because whatever we’re doing is not worth doing if our heart isn’t in it.

So, the next time we’re in worship, let’s make certain we’re not just going through the motions and our hearts are where our hands are. In total submission to the Father.

Ever have one of those days?


Nothing seems to go right.  The last place you want to be is there.  As a matter of fact, you find yourself daydreaming about the beach or what ever may be your “happy place”.   Maybe sometimes, you just don’t feel like doing anything.  You just kind of muddle through the day waiting out the clock.  We’ve all been there.  Have you ever thought about how this affects your walk with Christ or how others see you as a Christian?

I had to learn that lesson.  And I didn’t enjoy it one bit. 

I was voiceing my opinion to a co-worker who is also a Christian.  I wasn’t feeling like my work and ability was being respected and work.  For creative people, that’s a really big problem.  We thrive on feedback and acceptence and can be really temperamental.  So, I was ready to give up.  Just so what I needed to get through the day, collect my paycheck and go home.  She reminded me of this verse though. 

Colossians 3:23 NKJV

“And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men,”

Ouch!  Look God doesn’t care about whether I this work gets done or not.  In comparison to the big picture or really doesn’t matter.  True.  However, it DOES matter in how you’re perceived as a Christian.  Number one, we won’t be thought of as a good employee if we don’t perform at your best ability.  As Christians we’re always representing Christ.  So we should remember we’re not just working for man or for a “living”.  We’rep working for Him.

He has put you in this place for a reason.  Maybe it is flipping burgers or pushing a pencil but you never know when, in that situation you may get the opportunity to witness that you wouldn’t get otherwise.  Think about Joseph after his brothers sold him into slavery.  He could have pouted and gave up, saying God doesn’t love me because I have this crappy job!  He didn’t however.  And eventually he became a leader and was able to help his family.  All because he allowed himself to be a part of the Father’s greater plan and did the absolute best at whatever job he was given.

Colossians 3:23 NKJV

“And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men,”