Category Archives: Holiday

Do you MAKE time?


Over the weekend, my youngest daughter, who is less than 10, asks of she can use the computer in the kitchen.  Sonce this computer is new, we were hoping to keep their games and such off and mainly use it for home and business work.  Well, if you can call what we do “work”.  Any way, when I asked why she wanted to use the kitchen computer rather than the one in the bed room she said, “this one is just too slow… I don’t have time to wait”.  You’re kidding me, right?  You don’t have  time to wait?  Where do you have to be?

Does your world ever seem lime it is moving so fast, you just don’t have time for God?  I know mine does.  And when I don’t make time for God, I’m not as focused, not as content, not as satisfied. 

During during my vacation last week, I found time to spend with the Father.  And once I allowed Him to get closer to me, the worse I felt for falling away from Him.  Because, remember… all He ever wanted from the beginning of time is a relationship with his creation. 

So I encourage you, as you head back to work today… make time today and EVERY day to find a refuge in the Word.

How are you influenced?


Every night my family sit around the table and have dinner.  No tablets, no mp3 players, no phones.  Just us, as a family, having dinner.  I know it is rare today to do this, but I feel it is very important. 

As part of our dinner, we share the “best” and “worst” part of our day.  However, after our blessing, my youngest spoke up and informed us she said a blessing before lunch at school and some of the other children laughed.  I assured her she was okay and that sometimes people laugh when they don’t understand.

Tonight, she informed us that three of her “friends” joined her in blessing their lunches.  Needless to say, I am more than pleased and proud of her courage.

Today, it is so easy to be influenced by others.  Wanting to be accepted and loved by others is a natural desire we all share.  As Christians though,  there may come a time when we have to go against what is popular and do what we know is right.  We may be laughed at and ridiculed but remember we were told this would happen. 

I believe my daughter was rewarded for her faith and commitment by the Spirit moving the other children to join her.  Now our reward may not be as visible… as a matter of fact, we may never see it here on earth.  We are promised a reward though if we remain faithful to Him.

Find the refuge and influence you need in the Word.

Ever have one of those days?


Nothing seems to go right.  The last place you want to be is there.  As a matter of fact, you find yourself daydreaming about the beach or what ever may be your “happy place”.   Maybe sometimes, you just don’t feel like doing anything.  You just kind of muddle through the day waiting out the clock.  We’ve all been there.  Have you ever thought about how this affects your walk with Christ or how others see you as a Christian?

I had to learn that lesson.  And I didn’t enjoy it one bit. 

I was voiceing my opinion to a co-worker who is also a Christian.  I wasn’t feeling like my work and ability was being respected and work.  For creative people, that’s a really big problem.  We thrive on feedback and acceptence and can be really temperamental.  So, I was ready to give up.  Just so what I needed to get through the day, collect my paycheck and go home.  She reminded me of this verse though. 

Colossians 3:23 NKJV

“And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men,”

Ouch!  Look God doesn’t care about whether I this work gets done or not.  In comparison to the big picture or really doesn’t matter.  True.  However, it DOES matter in how you’re perceived as a Christian.  Number one, we won’t be thought of as a good employee if we don’t perform at your best ability.  As Christians we’re always representing Christ.  So we should remember we’re not just working for man or for a “living”.  We’rep working for Him.

He has put you in this place for a reason.  Maybe it is flipping burgers or pushing a pencil but you never know when, in that situation you may get the opportunity to witness that you wouldn’t get otherwise.  Think about Joseph after his brothers sold him into slavery.  He could have pouted and gave up, saying God doesn’t love me because I have this crappy job!  He didn’t however.  And eventually he became a leader and was able to help his family.  All because he allowed himself to be a part of the Father’s greater plan and did the absolute best at whatever job he was given.

Colossians 3:23 NKJV

“And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men,”  

The hand that calms the sea…


      As I sit on my patio for the next few days and listen to the waves hit the shore, I’m reminded just how small we are and how BIG God is.  Just to hear the might in the water and view it’s greatness and then realize that God is even more!  The miracles of God parting the Red Sea for the Israelites to pass and calming the storm when Jesus and His disciples were traveling are even more real.

The old hymn, “How Great Thou Art” comes to mind.  It is comforting to know just HOW powerful our refuge is!

The Greater Purpose…

Sunset-1               As a member of the media, I was forced to spend most of the day surrounded by what was going on.  So when I got home, I commented to my wife to turn off the television, “I don’t want to see this”.  She had a very poignant response.  “They can’t just change the channel to escape”.  Well said, my dear.

While the details filtered in, we tried to make sense of it all.  Do not waste your time.  We, in our limited, narrow, understanding of the universe, will not be able to come to an acceptable conclusion.

However, I think one FOX News reporter at least brought it into perspective.  Last night he said, “when you’re 5… 6 years old… 10, 11 days away from Christmas… you’re expecting Santa to be at your house in 10 or 11 days.  TODAY… the DEVIL came to their school”.

The only solace and peace I can find is in what Jesus told His disciples when they were trying to prevent the children from coming to Jesus.  Christ said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God”.  The fact that these little angels were flown straight to heaven makes it a little easier.

However, it will not make things better for these parents.  As a father of three, I know.

When told his sister was one of the fallen, a young boy said, “I’m not going to have anyone to play with”.  This is the mindset we are dealing with here, innocent, unsuspecting, children.

Now with what I am about to say, please do not take it as a lack of compassion.  My heart grieves for what these parents are experiencing.

Nevertheless, if you’re a Christian, somewhere in the back of your mind, you’re probably asking, “why God, did you allow this to happen”?  We know He is an almighty and powerful God.  In Exodus 34:6 describes Him as “merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth”.

It is as simple as this.  You want a gourmet eight-course meal.  However, this is impossible, unless you let the chef in the kitchen.

So why should we expect God’s protection in a place He is NOT allowed?  Now, I am not saying the parents are not God fearing.  They may be.  However, what will bring these people closer to God?  When do we call on Him the most?  When do we look to Him for answers?

When Jesus was born, the reigning king ordered all the first-born males killed for fear that a new King was coming.  Why did God allow this to happen?  Why did He allow evil to prevail.  Just like the parents today, those mothers and fathers had no idea what was coming.

There is a greater purpose beyond all understanding.  The only peace we can find is in Jesus.  The only refuge we can find is in His Word.  Just like on September 11, 2001, more people probably picked up their Bibles today.  More people probably prayed.  A nation is crying, mourning the loss of innocent lives.

Father, I pray Your mercy, grace, and peace for these families.  They are suffering a pain; no parent should endure.  In order for this to happen, I know they must find You first.  Heal our hearts Father, and bring us to a better understanding of Your will.  We need You Father, more than we ever realize sometimes.  It’s in times like this we see this clearly.  Please send Your Spirit of comfort to these families, the community, and our country.  Please be our refuge; our safe haven, our place of safety, a place to hind when the enemy is lurking near.  We humbly ask these things in the matchless name of Your Son Jesus.


How would you spend it?


A week ago, I was lying in bed watching television when I got the call. Was it real? This is insane. A former co-worker was dead, at 24. As the week progressed and his friends, family, and friends expressed their sorrow, I found myself searching for an answer. Needless to say, I couldn’t find one. And the fact he was gone didn’t become frightenly real until I saw him at the family visitation. He was buried on Friday.

One of the things that resonanted from everyone was how our friend lived his life to the fullest. Yeah, you’ve heard that about other people but it was very true for him. His facebook albums are full of photos showcasing celebrities he met and trips he took. At his age he’d been more places than some have been who have lived much longer. He was living his dream.

However, I can’t help but wonder how he spent his last day? Had he known it would be his last, what would he have done different? Would he have gone to work or spent the whole day at home with his family? Who would he have called? Who would he have visited? If he knew THAT 24 would be his last, how would he have spent them?

What of these were your last 24?

Another sentiment that was echoed from friends and family was his relationship with God, our Creator.

Our friend didn’t realize he would never make 30. However, he lived like there was no tomorrow. He loved like there was no tomorrow.

Live and love like there is no tomorrow. Live with no fear. Find refuge in a relationship with our Father, God, our Savior and Creator. So that if these are last your last 24…

What do you practice?

It’s the middle of the night and I’m wide awake.  My mind won’t rest, so it’s hard for my body to fall asleep.  Sometimes, this when I have the best conversations with God.  So I open my Bible app and it’s on Mark 10.  I don’t remember what I was reading before that left me at Mark 10 but I’m glad it did.  There’s a lot of great stuff in just that one chapter.

First, there’s a lot of chatter about President Obama coming out in favor of gay marriage.  In a Christian Post article, he’s quoted as saying he and Michelle are “practicing Christians”. defines practicing as, “the action of doing something“.  Christian means, “of Jesus Christ, His teachings, ect“.  So he’s saying he “acts according to the teachings of Jesus Christ“.  Read Mark 10.  Jesus was teaching another multitude when some Pharisees stuck there nose in and tried to trick Him with a question about divorce.  This is what he said: “6 But from the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female. 7 For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, 8 and the two shall become one flesh; so then they are no longer two, but one flesh.
God made them “male and female”.  So, let’s go back to the beginning.  God saw that man needed a companion comparable to him.  At that point, if God thought another man was appropriate, that’s what He would have created.  He didn’t, He created a woman.

Then some children tried to approach Jesus and the disciples pushed them away.  Part of that decision was because of the culture of the day.  But Christ quickly told them to let the children come to Him.  Can you just imagine being a child then and the Son of God wanted you near Him?  What an awesome moment that must have been!  Then Jesus used the children as an example.  “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. 15 Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.

Jesus practiced what He preached.  More often He practiced more than He preached.  Showing us rather than telling us how we should act.  If we are truly “practicing Christians” we should try to be “like Christ”.  He never turned anyone away, He always had time for them but He really paid close attention to those that followed Him for Him, NOT what they could get out of Him, which so many do.

Let’s truly practice being Christ-like and honor the unions that He created.

And pray our leadership does too.

What does she really want?

My mother 1950 – 1985.

Forget the flowers, candy,  and even jewelry, mom doesn’t want that!  A Market Watch survey says 75% of mothers would rather have a hand-made card than jewelry.  One third would like the day to themselves.  Don’t wake her up for an early breakfast either, she’d rather sleep… trust me.  Over half say if they had an hour to themselves during the day, they’d spend it at the spa.  Which confirms another website’s top ten gifts for mom.  Massage and spa treatment were on top with flowers at the very bottom.

“All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel Mother.” Abraham Lincoln

Hopefully, at this point, you’ve gotten her gift already.  If not, stay away from last-minute, store-bought flowers.  That was on list of worst gifts for mother’s day. Some of the others include the same awful gift 5 years in a ROW, (oven mits) reptiles, a loaf of bread, (really?) and anything having to do with weight loss, household chores, and power tools!

The gifts are all about one thing though.  Showing thanks.  Thanks for numerous peanut butter and jelly sandwiches cut into squares with the crust cut off.  Long nights spent by your side in the emergency room, praying you’d get better.  Doing without, often putting her life and dreams on hold  without the promise of ever accomplishing them to make sure you had what you needed and sometimes just wanted.  Anna Jarvis who started Mother’s Day celebrations also filed a lawsuit to stop the over commercialisation of Mother’s Day. She lost her fight. Anna wanted a day of reflection and quiet prayer by families, thanking God for all that mothers had done.

Read Proverbs 31.  If you had a mother like that, be thankful.  Show her how much she means to you. There are some who don’t have their mothers with them today that would love the opportunity.  God gave us mothers to be a refuge.

Yes, it’s easy for me to say this.  I had a mother who essential gave her life for her two boys.  She wasn’t supposed to have any children for health reasons.  Still, she didn’t abandon us before birth, even though she knew the possible consequences.  It wasn’t even a consideration.  If your mother wasn’t there, for whatever reason, know that your Father always is.  He’s waiting to wrap His arms around you and love you.  In Mark 10:13, children were trying to approach Jesus and the disciples pushed them away.  Jesus took exception to this and said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. 15 Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it“.

If you had a Godly, loving, mother.  Cherish her, lavish her with love, show her you appreciate her.  Thank Him for your blessings.  If you didn’t.  Trust that it was in His plan to make you the man or woman you are today.  Choose to learn from her mistakes and make the most of your life.  Leave a legacy.  Find refuge and guidance in the Word.

Happy Mother’s Day!


Do We Need it as a Holiday?

Today is recognized as the National Day of Prayer.  Now I appreciate what this day is supposed to do.  But I have to ask, “do we really need a holiday”?  It’s like Valentines.  Do I love my wife more that one paticular day of the year than the rest?  No.  Although I do love her more everyday. 

Praying is something we should do everyday.  Remember when you were in love for the first time?  You wanted to talk to that person every chance you’d get.  On the phone all hours of the night with conversations that lasted hours.  You were happy just being with them whether you did anything or not.  Just being in their presence and communicating with them is all you wanted.  Part of growing your relationship was regular communication.

You know, we should be the same way with God.  Happy to just be in His presence, talking with Him about what’s going on in our lives and appreciating Him.  Spending endless hours in prayer, talking with Him, spending time is His Word, and trying to find out what makes Him happy.  Although that is very plainly laid out in the Bible.  That’s all God wants anyway.  A personal relationship with His creation.

So, hopefully, the National Day of Prayer can bring others into the realization that they need God.  But for Christians, it should simply be just another day that we communicate with our Father and find refuge with Him and in His Word.