Why Can’t We Be Like Animals?

I had a few errands to run yestersay.  One of them didn’t take as long as I had budgeted time for, so I made myself take time for a long, relaxing, lunch.  Most days, it’s a pack of cheese crackers at my desk.

So I stopped at nearby fast food restaurant (hey, I said it was long, not healthy) and headed to the park next door that overlooks the river that runs the middle of the city.  It was about 70° so I put the windows down to take in the sounds and smells of the spring like February day.  

Immediately I noticed the park was full of Canadian geese.  Tons of them!  Then I saw some smaller white birds that were foraging for food.  Flying around amongst the geese neither really bothering the other.  They were all just doing their own thing.  

And I thought why can “we” be more like that?

None of the birds were fighting.  Even though they were different.  None of the birds were protesting because the other was there.  To them, it appeared, the other birds were just – other birds.  

Humanity is so divided today because of color.  Just like the birds were all BIRDS… we’re all PEOPLE. 

Maybe, just maybe, we could learn a lesson from these birds.