Look for the Helpers

When coming out work, a co-worker and I noticed just how dark it was out the front door of our office building.  Wed just had some heavy rain, so this was no surprise.  His comment was, “man, it looks like the apocalypse”.  Well, I wouldn’t go that far.  

So since we work there, we park in the back.  We chat while going down the hallway and part ways once out the door.  When I went just few feet away to where my car was parked, I notice this tiny rainbow peeking through the clouds.  A light in the darkness.

A small glimmer of hope.

While watching the horror on the news this morning, my wife reminded me of his Mr. Rogers said his mother would always assure him.  When he was a child and saw something bad happening on tv, so she wouldn’t burden him with the negativity, she would tell him to “look for the helpers”.

Now, I’m not saying to disregard the negativity.  The hate, anguish, and misunderstanding cannot be erased.  There is no way to get around the emotions in this situation.  But you can focus on the good.  Look for the helpers.  Those that will give of themselves for the betterment of others.  Those that will give you hope in humanity.  Without prejudice.  Without concern for race or uniform.

Also know, and this is the hardest part, it is all part of a master plan.  Look at the Biblical story of Joseph.  Joseph was thrown into a pit, sold into slavery, and spent time in prison for a crime he didn’t commit.  In the end, he was second in command and used to save thousands.

The plan wasn’t clear but in the darkness he was a glimmer of light.

He was a “helper”.

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