How do you represent?

     As a member of the media, there is a certain way we have to represent the company.  Thankfully, we are a conservative company.  Sharing a lot values that fall in line with Christian values. 

I’m heard by thousands of people on a daily basis.  When I meet these people either in the in the studio or on the street I try to represent the radio station in a professional and friendly manner.  Even when I’m not on official business I still represent the radio station when I’m in public.  Because so many people associate me with them. 

Today, I was told of a pastor who loudly and viciously verbally attacked a parishioner because of a disagreement.  This concerned me greatly.  Because of Whom he represents as a pastor.  He is supposed to be an example Christian.  Not that anyone, including pastors, is perfect.  However, as Christians, our most important responsabilty is to represent Christ with love.  That was one of Jesus’ recurring messages when He was on earth.  Love our neighbor. 

It is okay to have disagreements.   If you read the Gospels, you’ll even notice Christ’s disciples having disagreements.  As followers of Christ we should do everything we can to represent Him in a loving manner.

Just think of how many times He has forgiven us.

How do you represent?