The Kindness of Strangers…

     I took a couple of days off just to chill and so my wife could work during the day at her part-time out of the house job.  So, that meant picking kids up from school and grocery shopping for the night’s dinner.

As we browsed the fresh produce for taco salad ingredients, our five-year-old admired the fresh flowers.

“Oh, they smell so good,” she stated with excitement.  “Can we have some?”

“Not today,” I halfway answered, trying to decide which pre-chopped onion package I wanted.  Just then, a dirty looking guy, also looking at fresh produce, asked, “Do you like the roses?”

Since we’ve taught them not to talk to strangers, she shyly nodded her head in approval and got back behind me.  The guy smelled of alcohol and looked like hadn’t washed his clothes in a while.

We continued our shopping, now a few isles over at the taco shells.  Soft or hard shell.  Then the rice. White rice, brown rice, pre-flavored or plain.  Why are there so many choices?  As we discussed the possibilities, we saw the guy walking down the aisle, roses in hand.  He handed me the receipt and presented the roses to the girls.  They were completely blown away.

He said in a very kind, warm, voice, “these are for you ladies with my compliments.”

When I saw him, I instantly judged him by his appearance.  Because he reeked of alcohol, wore dirty clothes, and looked unkept, I assumed he was a drunk.  But inside this man was a kind and generous heart.  Those roses cost $13.  To me, that is a lot to spend on a total stranger.  He didn’t care though.  He saw she liked the flowers and for some reason it touched his heart and moved him to purchase them for her.

Maybe he drinks to mask the pain of a child or grand child he never sees.  Could be to ease the pain of loosing a child.  His life could be empty because of his addiction and this brought him a little joy.  Whatever the reason, he was wrongly judged.

The first verse I thought of when this happen was, “when you do unto the least of these, you have done unto Me”.

Thank you sir for your kind gesture.  Assuredly you will not be forgotten.

I know I’m taking away two lessons from this kind stranger.  Don’t judge someone ONLY by their appearence… and don’t think you have to know someone before you show a random act of kindness.

Now… hot, medium, or mild sauce?



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