I want to pray for you

I just felt led to pray for you right now. I don’t know who you are or what you’re going through. Whatever it is, I know God can take care of it. It may be family problems, maybe a loved one’s salvation. Could be financial problems, you just don’t know how you’re going to make it the next couple of days. I just want you to know someone does care.

Father, for the person reading this I pray comfort and peace. You say “where two or three agree” and we’re agreeing together that their burden be lifted. That you will empower them with the wisdom and the knowledge to overcome this roadblock. Father we need You and praise You for your many blessings. In Your Word You say you’ll never leave us or forsake us and we’re counting your promises because we know you cannot lie. You are perfect in every way. We’re Your creation, molded in your image, and You love us. You proved that when You sent Your Son with the sole purpose of dying for our redemption. We claim the victory according to Your Word through the mighty, name of Jesus Christ Your Son. Amen.

God bless you!

Hello? Anything in there?

Notebook (Empty)

Do you ever have those days when you feel completely un-inspired?  I was debating what to write here tonight… and nothing came to mind.  Except the fact that nothing came to mind.  Then me being insecure and analytical, started pondering whether this is a good thing or not?

I worry too much.  It’s so easy to  try to control every aspect of our lives.  We tend to think just because it’s habit for us, what ever it is, should always happen that way.  But maybe, just maybe, God has a different plan for us.  Now, here’s our choice.  Follow His plan or follow ours.  Who do you think knows better.  The Creator of the universe or the person who still had a tendency to burn tomato soup sometimes?  (Thank goodness I’m married).

So, maybe tomorrow, I’ll find inspiration in something someone does or says.  If not, I’ll just keep patiently waiting.  And I know I can not only find refuge, but if I look close enough and spend enough time, I can find inspiration in the Word.