Passion moves us to speak…

                Yesterday my oldest daughter brought home several awards to top wrap up her 5th grade year.  It is hard to believe it has been almost 11 years since we brought her home, unable to do anything on her own.  One award she did not get was the Presidents Awards.  She met the criteria, so my wife asked our daughter why she did not receive that recognition.  According to our daughters teacher it was because of an “N” in the 1st grade.  What!!!  An “N” in 1st grade?  Are you kidding me?

See, there is a long story here that I will try to condense.  For some reason, our daughter felt she wanted this particular teacher.  Therefore, she was excited when we got her assignment for that year, until we met the woman.  Her room was dark and there was nothing fun on the walls, just bare, dark, cinderblock.  She was immediately stern when we walked in the room, even with us, reminded me of that Ms. Trunchbold on the movie “Matilda”.

We were constantly getting notes home complaining about our daughter’s behavior.  Our daughter was always very respectful and was with everyone else, why is this one teacher different?  After leaving the school because of a move, our daughter excelled at her new school and continued on to MASTER her Standards of Learning Tests, getting the highest score possible!  Proof it was the instructor, not our daughter.

So the fact the school system would hold this against my daughter made me FURIOUS.  One “N”! Therefore, I went to Facebook to vent my frustrations, something I do not usually do but found very satisfying.  To which a friend responded, “ I hear ya! Rant on! Passion moves us to speak does it not!”  Which is another story.  He and I had a private debate on another subject in which he was very passionate.  His comment spoke to me.

The emotion of anger moved me to speak passionately about my daughter not receiving her award.  I felt ashamed though, that I don’t speak as passionately about something I HAVE received.  The gift of salvation.  The fact the Creator of the universe would humble Himself to come to earth with the goal of becoming a sacrifice for my sins.  To me, that is an unfathomable love.  I will never be able to understand why.  But I am willing to accept the gift freely given.  I should also be willing to speak as passionately about what He did for me… and YOU.

Today, if you know Christ, share your passion about what He did for us.  If not, I’d like to introduce you to the Savior of the world.  I think you’ll like Him.

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