It’s not WHAT you have… it’s WHAT you do with it!

A friend’s Facebook post got me to thinking today.  See, it was the anniversary of his father’s death.  A father he never knew.  He was never there to play catch, teach him about girls, or teach him how to drive.  Ironically, my father was one of the few male influences in his life, except for what he saw on television.  Which we all know, isn’t always the best.  For the longest time it was just my friend and his mother.  She worked a lot to make sure they had what they needed.  But I think part of his life growing up made him the man he is today.

He served our country in the Navy.  He’s a father to three beautiful children.  If you’re a parent, you know how hard that can be.  He works hard every day to provide for them.

Although he didn’t have a father here with him, he’s always had a Father to look after him.  A friend that sticks closer than a brother.  Maybe my friend didn’t have a car until he was 18.  I think he had to buy it himself, I’m not sure.  Maybe he didn’t have a lot of friends.  I know I wasn’t there as much as I could and should have been.  Nevertheless, my friend took what he was given and decided to make the best of it.  Did he always make the right decision?  Probably not.  Do any of us?  But it’s being willing to listen to that still, small, voice that is willing to guide us if we let it.  We have to ask for that guidance though.  Because the Father says he’ll never interfere.  It has to be our choice.

I pray today that you’ll decide to take what you have, and with the help and guidance from the Holy Spirit, make the most of it today.  Will he speak in an audible voice?  Certainly.  Maybe it’ll be a friend giving you advice.  Maybe it will be something you read.  Could be a passage of scripture.  Just be willing to listen and follow the guidance.  Find refuge in the Word.  The refuge for life’s struggles is there.  You just have to go for it.  Think about it like coming in out of the rain.  If there’s shelter, it’s raining, and you don’t want to get wet, what will you do?

I hope that you get under it!

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